Sign the Petition for a
Care-Centered Society
Take action TODAY by showing your support for national policies on paid leave, child care, elder care, and more.
Join our network partners, families, and friends in showing that you believe in the value of caregiving and the dignity of work.

Partners' Voices:
On Our 3rd Anniversary
In recognizing our 3rd anniversary – see what some network partners are saying about the #CareEconomy!
Cycle through their insights within our ‘Blog Carnival‘ and watch the recent webinar!

Recognize FMLA30,
Fight for Paid Leave
Today, we recognize and celebrate the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the nation’s first leave law, enacted February 5, 1993.
It provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave to care for yourself or a seriously ill family member, to welcome a new child into your life or manage during some military deployments.

what we’re
fighting for
We’re fighting for the building blocks of economic mobility – paid family and medical leave (PFML), earned sick and safe days (ESSD), and childcare. We promote and advocate for fair elections and full access to the ballot – we want to vote, and we want our vote to count.
We’re organizing in a manner that centers our work with leaders who are more often, women of color, LGBTQ, parents, and caregivers.

share your story
How are you building power around time to care?
You are not alone and your story helps signify the urgency to act at both the local, state, and national level. We are working in and collecting stories from across the nation. Please use this form to submit your story about your experience with or without paid sick or safe days and affordable family leave to Family Values @ Work Action.
Help us make change
We’re building capacity across our state coalitions, transforming how we see our future, making change happen, building power and contributing to the birth of a caring economy.