Are You a Care Voter?

Care voters are everywhere! Together with FV@W Action and partners from across the network, we reached out to thousands of Care Voters our elections. 

Join us as we ramp up our outreach to Care Voters, continue the dialogue we started, and lay the groundwork for winning for families in upcoming elections. 

Are you wondering if you are a Care voter? Well, you are if the following applies to you: 

  • More likely to provide care for young children, be in the sandwich generation, have chronic conditions, and work as paid childcare or homecare workers and teachers.
  • More likely to support candidates who talk about and run on paid sick and safe days, paid family and medical leave, universal childcare and eldercare services.
  • More likely to support progressive policies and politicians who put people over profits and understand that the strength of our democracy is related to the ability of our families to thrive.
man and woman at a voting booth

Your Voting Checklist

It’s important to ‘Plan Your Vote’ before casting a vote for any candidate. Depending on where you are in the process it may take some time. Click on any of the links below to register to vote, find your polling placerequest an absentee ballot, or research candidates.

Participate in our democracy so we can get the care we deserve!