Unions, Work & Family
The Summer of 2023 aka the ‘Summer of Strikes‘ will usher in greater worker power and bargaining capacity. Work and family bargaining for paid sick days, paid family and medical leave, childcare and eldercare are viable demands. Unions have bargained for these policies over the years and combined their union strength with public policy to win for working families.
This webpage has some new and updated resources for bargaining and organizing!
Contract Database
This database is a compilation of work and family language negotiated over the last several years. While updating the database, we continue to make it available to those who are looking for examples of work and family contract language, planning personnel benefits, and browsing to improve the lives of working families. Click here to check it out!
- Click this link for model childcare funds and initiatives
- Here’s a fact sheet on Childcare Bargaining Models
- Model paid leave language is here
- Model maternity leave language is here
- Model maternity leave programs are here
- Model paid sick and safe days language is here
- Public Policy for Paid Sick Leave and Unions –
- Paid Sick Leave and Rail Workers
Codify Public Spaces
When unions codify bills into their collective bargaining agreements they educate members about the existence of these rights and make it easier to ensure that workers are protected under the law. If there are violations, it also makes it easier to grieve.Here are a few work and family policies that unions should consider including as basic standards in their CBAs.
14 states (including DC) have passed Paid Family and Medical Leave laws. Nearly 20 states have passed Paid Sick and Safe Days laws. Every union with members in these states should include the state laws in their CBAs.
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